Complex verbs in Spoken English: meanings, senses and frequencies

The table below presents the meanings, senses and frequencies of all the complex verbs attested in the spoken components of the British National Corpus (BNC) versions 1994 and 2014. The table lists 429 complex verbs that express 651 senses. The semantic classification of the verbal derivatives is explained and discussed in Laws (2023) and the table below has been drawn from Appendix C* of that volume.
*Based on Appendix C in Laws, Jacqueline. A Constructional Account of Verb-Forming Suffixation , 2023, pp. 265-378.
Reprinted with kind permission from John Benjamins Publishing Company, Amsterdam/Philadelphia. []:
Key to Column headings:
CAL Ref: This numbering system refers to that used in Laws (2023).
VC Ref: An alternative numbering system used in these construction hierarchies.
Complex verb: The list of all the complex verbs analysed.
Partial instantiation of argument structure construction: The interpretation of each complex verb, the base of which is in [square brackets].
Freq: The frequency of the sense of this complex verb across BNC1994 & BNC2014.
Semantic Class: These semantic classes, as defined in Laws (2023), correspond to the Argument structure construction.
Verb-class cx: This refers to the verb-class construction name of the Argument structure construction.
Verb-class-specific cx: This is a subclass of the verb-class construction.
Enrichment feature: Specific interpretation of the verb-class-specific cx.
Override feature: An overriding element in the Argument structure construction.
Headings of Semantic Classes: Orange headings provide the Argument Structure Construction for each Semantic Class with a link to a diagrammatic representation of the construction hierarchy.
Key to symbols:
The numbers (x/y): y refers to the number of senses a verb has and x refers to which instance of the y senses the row corresponds to. E.g., stabilize has two senses: the transitive sense, They stabilized inflation, is the first sense (1/2); the intransitive sense, Inflation stabilized, is the second sense (2/2). If a verb has one sense, it is marked (1/1).
~ Neologism: the complex verb does not occur in the Oxford English Dictionary.
+ New sense: the meaning of an existing complex verb has been extended and the new meaning does not occur in the Oxford English Dictionary.
^ No base: the Argument structure construction does not involve the [base].

How to cite the table below:
If you use the data from this table, please reference it as follows:
Laws, J. (2024) Complex verbs in Spoken English: meanings, senses and frequencies

CAL Ref VC Ref Complex verb Partial instantiation of argument structure construction Freq Semantic Class Verb-class cx Verb-class-specific cx Enrichment feature Override feature
Locative verb-class cx:[[Subj V Obj Oblpath/loc]↔[Cause makes Theme move to/from [Goal]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 categorize (1/1) Cause puts Theme in [category] 34 Locative Caused-Motion put into
1 1 contextualize (1/1) Cause puts Theme in [context] 2 Locative Caused-Motion put into
1 1 hospitalize (1/1) Cause puts Theme in [hospital] 8 Locative Caused-Motion put into
1 1 institutionalize (2/3) Cause puts Theme in [institution] 4 Locative Caused-Motion put into
1 1 jeopardize (1/1) Cause puts Theme in [jeopardy] 21 Locative Caused-Motion put into
1 1 memorize (1/1) Cause puts Theme in [memory] 66 Locative Caused-Motion put into
1 1 palletize (1/1) Cause puts Theme in [pallet] 15 Locative Caused-Motion put into
1 1 classify (1/2) Cause puts Theme in [class] 106 Locative Caused-Motion put into
1 1 classify - secret (2/2) Cause puts Theme in [class] 4 Locative Caused-Motion put into
1 1 encapsulate (1/2) Cause puts Theme in [capsule] 9 Locative Caused-Motion put into
2 2 centralize (1/1) Cause moves Theme to [centre] 56 Locative Caused-Motion move to
2 2 externalize (1/1) Cause moves Theme to [exterior] 1 Locative Caused-Motion move to
2 2 internalize (1/1) Cause moves Theme to [interior] 17 Locative Caused-Motion move to
2 2 marginalize (1/1) Cause moves Theme to [margins] 21 Locative Caused-Motion move to
3 3 deputize+ (2/2) Cause transfers Theme to [deputy] 1 Locative Caused-Motion transfer to
3 3 repatriate (1/1) Cause transfers Theme to [patria] 9 Locative Caused-Motion transfer to
4 4 computerize (1/4) Cause copies Theme to [computer] 4 Locative Caused-Motion copy into
4 4 corpusize~ (1/1) Cause copies Theme to [corpus] 2 Locative Caused-Motion copy into
4 4 diarize (1/1) Cause copies Theme to [diary] 1 Locative Caused-Motion copy into
5 5 localize (1/2) Cause restricts Theme to a [location] 14 Locative Caused-Motion restrict to
5 5 specialize (1/2) Cause restricts Theme to [specialism] 97 Locative Caused-Motion restrict to
6 6 canalize (1/1) Cause directs Theme along [canal] 1 Locative Caused-Motion direct along
Ornative verb-class cx:[[Subj V Obj with -Obl] ↔ [Cause makes Patient have [Theme]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1a 1 accessorize (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [accessories] 5 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 authorize (2/2) Cause provides Patient with [authority] for X 110 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 circularize (1/1) Cause plies Patient with [circulars] 2 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 computerize (2/4) Cause provides Patient with [computers] 2 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 emphasize (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [emphasis] 205 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 energize (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [energy] 12 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 incentivize (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [incentive] 5 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 (de)militarize (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [the military] 4 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 motorize (1/2) Cause provides Patient with [motor (vehicle)] 4 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 nutritionize~ (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [nutrition] 3 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 people-ize~ (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [people] 1 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 skillerize~ (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [skill] 1 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 subsidize (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [subsidy] 128 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 technologize (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [technology] 2 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 electrify (1/2) Cause provides Patient with [electricity] 3 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 indemnify (1/2) Cause provides Patient with [indemnity] 1 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 lexify~ (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [lexis] 7 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 qualify (1/4) Cause provides Patient with [qualities] for Theme 54 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 testify (1/2) Cause provides court with [testimony] 15 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 (de)toxify (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [toxin] 5 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 lighten2 - light (1/2) Cause provides Patient with [light] 3 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 caffeinate (1/2) Cause provides Patient with [caffeine] 5 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 elasticate (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [elastic] 2 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 hyphenate (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [hyphen] 10 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 motivate (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [motive] 308 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 pollinate (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [pollen] 15 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 fertilize^ (1/3) Cause provides Patient with additives 57 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 fortify^ (1/3) Cause provides Patient with ingredients 8 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 gratify^ (1/2) Cause provides Patient with pleasure 14 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 intoxify~^ (1/1) Cause provides Patient with stupor 1 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 justify^ (1/3) Cause provides Patient with a rationale 490 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 enlighten^ (1/2) Cause provides Patient with understanding 48 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 enlighten^ (2/2) Cause provides Patient with specific knowledge 23 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 quicken^ (4/4) Cause provides Patient with spiritual life 1 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 insulate^ (1/1) Cause provides Patient with protection 105 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1a 1 orientate^ (1/2) Cause provides Patient with direction 47 Ornative Caused-Having provide with
1b 1.1 computerize (3/4) Cause provides Patient with [computer] operability 26 Ornative Caused-Having provide with operability
1b 1.1 mechanize (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [mechanical] operability 25 Ornative Caused-Having provide with operability
1b 1.1 motorize (2/2) Cause provides Patient with [motor] operability 5 Ornative Caused-Having provide with operability
1b 1.1 robotize (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [robot] operability 1 Ornative Caused-Having provide with operability
1b 1.1 transistorize (1/1) Cause provides Patient with [transistor] operability 1 Ornative Caused-Having provide with operability
1b 1.1 electrify (2/2) Cause provides Patient with [electrical] operability 12 Ornative Caused-Having provide with operability
2 2 alkalize (1/1) Cause covers Patient with [alkali] 1 Ornative Caused-Having cover with
2 2 bitum(in)ize (1/1) Cause covers Patient with [bitumen] 2 Ornative Caused-Having cover with
2 2 iodize (1/1) Cause covers Patient with [iodine] 1 Ornative Caused-Having cover with
2 2 plasticize (1/1) Cause covers Patient with [plastic] 1 Ornative Caused-Having cover with
3 3 anaesthetize (1/1) Cause injects Patient with [anaesthetic] 6 Ornative Caused-Having inject with
3 3 mineralize (1/1) Cause imbues Patient with [minerals] 2 Ornative Caused-Having imbue with
3 3 (de)odorize (1/1) Cause imbues Patient with [odour] 1 Ornative Caused-Having imbue with
3 3 (de)sulphurize (1/1) Cause imbues Patient with [sulphur] 4 Ornative Caused-Having imbue with
3 3 vitaminize (1/1) Cause imbues Patient with [vitamins] 1 Ornative Caused-Having imbue with
3 3 loaden (1/1) Cause fills Patient with [load] 2 Ornative Caused-Having fill with
3 3 chlorinate (1/1) Cause imbues Patient with [chlorine] 2 Ornative Caused-Having imbue with
3 3 hydrate (1/2) Cause imbues Patient with [<water>] 17 Ornative Caused-Having imbue with
3 3 hydrogenate (1/1) Cause imbues Patient with [hydrogen] 2 Ornative Caused-Having imbue with
3 3 oxygenate (1/1) Cause imbues Patient with [oxygen] 6 Ornative Caused-Having imbue with
3 3 phosphorylate (1/1) Cause imbues Patient with [phosphates] 2 Ornative Caused-Having imbue with
3 3 salinate (1/1) Cause imbues Patient with [<salt>] 3 Ornative Caused-Having imbue with
3 3 inoculize^~ (1/1) Cause injects Patient with "vaccine" 1 Ornative Caused-Having inject with
4a 4 (im)mortalize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [(im-)mortality] 4 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4a 4 naturalize (2/2) Cause endows Patient with privileges of a [natural]-born 5 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4a 4 prioritize (1/2) Cause endows Patient with [priority] 19 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4a 4 (re)vitalize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [vitality] 12 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4a 4 dignify (1/2) Cause endows Patient with [dignity] 2 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4a 4 glorify (2/2) Cause endows Patient with [glory] 13 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4a 4 mystify (2/2) Cause endows Patient with [mystery] 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4a 4 (re)vivify (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [<life>] 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4a 4 enliven (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [life] 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4a 4 hearten (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [heart] 33 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4a 4 liven up (1/2) Cause endows Patient with [life] 11 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4a 4 strengthen (4/4) Cause endows Patient with [strength] 3 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4a 4 baptize^ (2/2) Cause endows Patient with name 4 Ornative Caused-Having endow with
4b 4.1 academize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [academic] characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 Africanize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [African] characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 Americanize (1/2) Cause endows Patient with [American] characteristics 8 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 Anglicize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [Anglican] characteristics 6 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 Christianize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [Christian] characteristics 2 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 democratize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [democratic] characteristics 6 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 Georgianize~ (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [Georgian] characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 Germanicize~ (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [Germanic] characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 humanize (1/2) Cause endows Patient with [human] characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 internationalize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [international] characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 Japanize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [Japanese] characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 journalize+ (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [journalistic] characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 Latinize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [Latin]-like characteristics 2 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 modernize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [modern] characteristics 67 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 sexualize (1/2) Cause endows Patient with [sexual] characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 universalize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [universal] characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 urbanize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [urban] characteristics 6 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 westernize (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [western] characteristics 11 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 Americanify~ (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [American] characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 computerify~ (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [computer]-like characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 countrify (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [country]-like characteristics 5 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 electronify (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [electronic] characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 gypsyfy (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [gypsy]-like characteristics 2 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 mummify (2/2) Cause endows Patient with [mummy]-like characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 popify~ (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [pop]-like characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 Wimpeyfy~ (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [Wimpey]-like characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 Yorkshire-ify~ (1/1) Cause endows Patient with [Yorkshire]-like characteristics 1 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
4b 4.1 bastardize^ (1/1) Cause endows Patient with degraded characteristics 2 Ornative Caused-Having endow with characteristics
Inchoative-Ornative verb-class construction: [[Subj V Obj] ↔ [Patient acquires [Theme]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 oxidize (3/3) Patient acquires [oxygen] 3 Inch-Orn Acquire acquire
1 1 qualify (2/4) Patient acquires [qualities] for X 652 Inch-Orn Acquire acquire
1 1 hydrate (2/2) Patient acquires [<water>] 28 Inch-Orn Acquire acquire
1a 1.1 Americanize (2/2) Patient acquires [American] characteristics 4 Inch-Orn Acquire acquire characteristics
1a 1.1 crystallize (2/4) Patient acquires characteristics of [crystal] 4 Inch-Orn Acquire acquire characteristics
1a 1.1 industrialize (2/2) Patient acquires [industrial] characteristics 65 Inch-Orn Acquire acquire characteristics
1a 1.1 petrify (3/3) Patient acquires characteristics of [<stone>] 3 Inch-Orn Acquire acquire characteristics
1a 1.1 wintrify (1/1) Patient acquires characteristics of [winter] 1 Inch-Orn Acquire acquire characteristics
1a 1.1 granulate (1/1) Patient acquires [granular] characteristics 1 Inch-Orn Acquire acquire characteristics
1a 1.1 pixelate (2/2) Patient acquires [pixel]-like characteristics 6 Inch-Orn Acquire acquire characteristics
Causative verb-class construction - [[Subj V Obj ObjCompAP] ↔ [Cause makes Patient become [State]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 commercialize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [commercial] 26 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 equalize (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [equal] 75 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 familiarize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [familiar] with Theme 10 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 finalize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [final] 51 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 formalize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [formal] 23 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 globalize (1/1) Cause makes Theme become [global] 8 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 harmonize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [harmonious] 9 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 immunize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [immune] 15 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 liberalize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [liberal] 11 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 magnetize (1/2) Cause makes Patient [magnetic] 3 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 mobilize (1/3) Cause makes Patient become [mobile] 15 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 moisturize (1/2) Cause (inan) makes Patient become [moist] 72 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 moisturize (2/2) Cause (an) makes Patient become [moist] 15 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 nasalize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [nasal] 1 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 neutralize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [neutral] 19 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 optimize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [optimal] 15 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 passivize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [passive] 1 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 personalize (3/3) Cause makes Patient become [personal] 4 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 professionalize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [professional] 2 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 radicalize (2/2) Cause makes Patient become [radical] (Inanimate) 8 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 sanitize (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [sanitary] (clean) 3 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 sensitize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [sensitive] to Theme 19 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 stabilize (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [stable] 41 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 sterilize (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [sterile] (unproductive) 9 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 sterilize (2/2) Cause makes Patient become [sterile] (free from micro-organisms) 43 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 synchronize (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [synchronous] with X 11 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 tenderize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [tender] 1 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 tranquillize (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [tranquil] 33 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 acidify (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [acidic] 1 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 amplify (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [<ample/large>] 46 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 beautify (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [beautiful] 4 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 densify (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [dense] 2 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 falsify (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [false] 6 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 (de)humidify (1/1) Cause (neg)makes Patient become [humid] 7 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 intensify (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [intense] 12 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 nullify (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [null] 4 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 pacify (1/1) Cause makes Patient feel [<peaceful>] 21 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 purify (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [pure] 23 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 sanctify (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [<holy>] 11 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 simplify (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [simple] 58 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 blacken (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [black] 8 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 brighten (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [bright] 17 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 broaden (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [broad] 24 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 dampen (2/2) Cause makes Patient become [damp] 5 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 darken (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [dark] 11 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 deafen (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [deaf] 15 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 deepen (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [deep] 4 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 embolden (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [bold] 3 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 fasten (1/3) Cause makes Patient become [fast] 62 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 fatten (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [fat] 25 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 flatten (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [flat] 53 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 harden (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [hard] 21 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 heighten (1/4) Cause makes Patient become [high-er] (increase) 16 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 lengthen (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [long] 10 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 lessen (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [less] 16 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 lighten1 (1/3) Cause makes Patient become [light]-weight 7 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 lighten2 (2/2) Cause makes Patient become [light]-tone 5 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 loosen (up) (1/3) Cause makes Patient become [loose] 22 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 madden (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [mad] 2 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 moisten (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [moist] 5 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 neaten up (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [neat] 2 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 quieten down (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [quiet] 5 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 ripen (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [ripe] 3 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 sharpen (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [sharp] 59 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 shorten (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [short] 75 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 slacken (2/4) Cause makes Patient become [slack] 2 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 smarten up (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [smart] 5 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 soften (1/5) Cause makes Patient become [soft] 23 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 stiffen (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [stiff] 1 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 straighten (out/up) (1/4) Cause makes Patient become [straight] 83 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 strengthen (1/4) Cause makes Patient become [strong] 66 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 sweeten (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [sweet] 33 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 thicken (1/4) Cause makes Patient become [thick: density] 20 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 thicken (3/4) Cause makes Patient become [thick: dimension] 2 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 tighten (1/3) Cause makes Patient become [tight] 77 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 toughen (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [tough] 15 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 weaken (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [weak] 45 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 whiten (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [white] 7 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 widen (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [wide] 60 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 worsen (1/2) Cause makes Patient become [worse] 4 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 activate (1/3) Cause makes Patient become [active] 21 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 capacitate (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [capable] 3 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 disambiguate (1/1) Cause makes Patient become [(un)ambiguous] 2 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 amortize^ (1/1) Cause makes Patient become dead/defunct 1 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 mobilize^ (2/3) Cause makes Patient become ready for action 64 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 organize^ (1/6) Cause makes Patient become orderly 124 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 sanitize^ (2/2) Cause makes Patient become acceptable to outside agencies 2 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 clarify^ (2/2) Cause makes Patient become pure 6 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 fortify^ (2/3) Cause makes Patient become strong 16 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 freshen^ (2/2) Cause makes Patient become new 14 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 heighten^ (3/4) Cause makes Patient become more intense 10 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 heighten+^ (4/4) Cause makes Patient become sensitive 1 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 lighten1^ (2/3) Cause makes Patient become cheerful 2 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 loosen (up)^ (2/3) Cause makes Patient become relaxed 15 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 sharpen^ (2/2) Cause makes Patient become effective 6 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 sicken^ (3/3) Cause makes Patient become tired/irritated 7 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 slacken^ (1/4) Cause makes Patient become slower/less intense 2 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 soften^ (4/5) Cause makes Patient become less harsh 13 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 soften^ (5/5) Cause makes Patient become mellow 3 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 straighten (out/up)^ (3/4) Cause makes Patient become orderly 10 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 strengthen^ (3/4) Cause makes Patient become convincing 10 Causative Make-Become make become
1 1 sweeten^ (2/2) Cause makes Patient become agreeable/palatable 4 Causative Make-Become make become
2 2 antagonize (1/2) Cause makes Patient feel [antagonistic] 10 Causative Make-Become make feel
2 2 yukkify~ (1/1) Cause makes Patient feel [yucky] 1 Causative Make-Become make feel
2 2 zombify (1/1) Cause makes Patient feel [zombie]-like 1 Causative Make-Become make feel
2 2 freshen (1/2) Cause makes Patient feel [fresh] 8 Causative Make-Become make feel
2 2 gladden (1/1) Cause makes Patient feel [glad] 1 Causative Make-Become make feel
2 2 sadden (1/1) Cause makes Patient feel [sad] 9 Causative Make-Become make feel
2 2 sicken (1/3) Cause makes Patient feel [sick] 17 Causative Make-Become make feel
2 2 cauterize^ (2/2) Cause makes Patient feel insensitive to X 1 Causative Make-Become make feel
2 2 fortify^ (3/3) Cause makes Patient feel strong 1 Causative Make-Become make feel
2 2 mortify^ (1/1) Cause makes Patient feel embarrassed 30 Causative Make-Become make feel
2 2 mystify^ (1/2) Cause makes Patient feel perplexed 6 Causative Make-Become make feel
2 2 petrify^ (2/3) Cause makes Patient feel afraid 40 Causative Make-Become make feel
2 2 satisfy^ (2/2) Cause makes Patient feel content 472 Causative Make-Become make feel
3a 3.1 actualize (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [actual] 1 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 anonymize (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [anonymous] 22 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 (de)casualize (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [casual] 2 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 civilianize (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [civilian] 17 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 contractorize~ (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [contractual] 1 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 contractualize~ (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [contractual] 1 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 criminalize (2/2) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [criminal] 7 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 generalize (3/3) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [general] 8 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 legalize (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [legal] 34 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 legitimize (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [legitimate] 4 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 maximize (1/1) Cause makes "extent of"" Theme become [maximal] 72 Causative Make-Become make become extent
3a 3.1 minimize (1/2) Cause makes "extent of" Theme become [minimal] 56 Causative Make-Become make become extent
3a 3.1 politicize (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [political] 6 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 popularize (1/2) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [popular] 4 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 publicize (1/1) Cause makes "information about" Theme become [public] 59 Causative Make-Become make become information
3a 3.1 realize (1/5) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [real] 38 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 secularize (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [secular] 1 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 utilize (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [<useful>] (for Theme) 77 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 clarify (1/2) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [<clear>] 274 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 facilitate (1/3) Cause makes "status" of Theme become [<easy>] 58 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 qualify^ (3/4) Cause makes "status" of Theme become more specific 96 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 rarefy^ (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become more refined 1 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 ratify^ (1/1) Cause makes "status" of Theme become valid 29 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 rectify^ (1/3) Cause makes "status" of Theme become right 34 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 activate^ (2/3) Cause makes "status" of Theme become operable 101 Causative Make-Become make become status
3a 3.1 facilitate^ (2/3) Cause makes "status" of Theme become possible 10 Causative Make-Become make become status
3b 3.2 realize (2/5) Cause makes "appearance" of Theme become [real] 1 Causative Make-Become make become appearance
3b 3.2 glorify (1/2) Cause makes "appearance" of Theme become [glorious] 16 Causative Make-Become make become appearance
3b 3.2 magnify (1/2) Cause makes "appearance" of Theme become [large/ample] 44 Causative Make-Become make become appearance
3b 3.2 rejuvenate^ (1/2) Cause makes "appearance" of Theme become renewed 2 Causative Make-Become make become appearance
3c 3.3 decimalize (1/1) Cause makes "format" of Theme become [decimal] 2 Causative Make-Become make become format
3c 3.3 digitalize (1/1) Cause makes "format" of Theme become [digital] 4 Causative Make-Become make become format
3c 3.3 digitize (1/1) Cause makes "format" of Theme become [digital] 4 Causative Make-Become make become format
Inchoative-Causative verb-class construction: [[Subj V SubjCompAP] ↔ [Patient becomes [State]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 equalize (2/2) Patient becomes [equal] 11 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 homogenize (1/2) Patient becomes [homogeneous] 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 magnetize (2/2) Patient becomes [magnetic] 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 mobilize (3/3) Patient becomes [mobile] (politically / for war) 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 stabilize (2/2) Patient becomes [stable] 10 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 synchronize (2/2) Patient1 & 2 become [synchronous] 6 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 (neo)vascularize (1/1) Patient becomes [vascular] 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 diversify (1/2) Patient becomes [diverse] 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 intensify (2/2) Patient becomes [intense] 6 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 putrefy (1/1) Patient becomes [putrid] 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 rawify~ (1/1) Patient becomes [raw] 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 simplify (2/2) Patient becomes [simple] 2 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 brighten (2/2) Patient becomes [bright] 22 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 broaden (2/2) Patient becomes [broad] 2 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 darken (2/2) Patient becomes [dark] 4 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 deepen (2/2) Patient becomes [deep] 10 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 fasten (2/3) Patient becomes [fast] 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 fatten (2/2) Patient becomes [fat] 2 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 flatten (2/2) Patient becomes [flat] 6 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 harden (2/2) Patient becomes [hard] 22 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 heighten (2/4) Patient becomes [high] 5 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 hotten~ (1/1) Patient becomes [hot] 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 lessen (2/2) Patient becomes [less] 10 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 liven up (2/2) Patient becomes full of [life] 3 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 quicken (1/4) Patient becomes [quick] 2 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 quieten down (2/2) Patient becomes [quiet] 19 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 ripen (2/2) Patient becomes [ripe] 18 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 shorten (2/2) Patient becomes [short] 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 sicken (2/3) Patient becomes [sick] 2 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 slacken (4/4) Patient becomes [slack] 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 soften (2/5) Patient becomes [soft] 5 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 stiffen (2/2) Patient becomes [stiff] 4 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 straighten (out/up) (2/4) Patient becomes [straight] 6 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 strengthen (2/4) Patient becomes [strong] 7 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 thicken (2/4) Patient becomes [thick] 10 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 thicken (4/4) Patient becomes [thick] 3 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 tighten (in~) (2/3) Patient becomes [tight] 11 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 toughen (2/2) Patient becomes [tough] 3 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 weaken (2/2) Patient becomes [weak] 11 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 widen (2/2) Patient becomes [wide] 19 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 worsen (2/2) Patient becomes [worse] 12 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 fossilize^ (2/2) Patient becomes "inflexible" 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 materialize^ (1/1) Patient becomes "real" 22 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 realize^ (4/5) Patient becomes "aware" of Theme 1,571 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 lighten1^ (3/3) Patient becomes "cheerful" 4 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 loosen (up)^ (3/3) Patient becomes "relaxed" 9 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 slacken^ (3/4) Patient becomes "slow" 2 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 smarten up^ (2/2) Patient becomes "clever" 1 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 soften^ (3/5) Patient becomes "mellow" 4 Inch-Cause Become become
1 1 activate^ (3/3) Patient becomes "operable" 7 Inch-Cause Become become
2 2.1 generalize (2/3) "status" of Patient becomes [general] 3 Inch-Cause Become become status
Resultative verb-class construction: [[Subj V Obj ObjCompNP] ↔ [Cause makes/converts Patient into [Result]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 capitalize (1/3) Cause makes/converts Patient into [capital] 5 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 caramelize (1/2) Cause makes/converts Patient into [caramel] 6 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 criminalize (1/2) Cause makes/converts Patient into a [criminal] 5 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 crystallize (3/4) Cause makes/converts Patient into a [crystal] 9 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 dramatize (1/2) Cause makes/converts Patient into a [drama] 5 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 hybridize (1/2) Cause makes/converts Patient (X&Y) into a [hybrid] 4 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 ionize (1/2) Cause makes/converts Patient into [ions] 8 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 liquidize (1/2) Cause makes/converts Patient into a [liquid] 7 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 nebulize (1/1) Cause makes/converts Patient into a [<mist>] 4 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 oxidize (1/3) Cause makes/converts Patient into an [oxide] 3 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 powderize (1/1) Cause makes/converts Patient into [powder] 1 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 proselytize (1/1) Cause makes/converts Patient into a [proselyte] 2 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 quantize (1/2) Cause makes/converts Patient into [quanta] 5 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 vaporize (1/2) Cause makes/converts Patient into [vapour] 4 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 victimize (1/1) Cause makes/converts Patient into a [victim] 31 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 liquefy (1/2) Cause makes/converts Patient into a [liquid] 15 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 mummify (1/2) Cause makes/converts Patient into a [mummy] 7 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 petrify (1/3) Cause makes/converts Patient into [stone] 3 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 unify (1/1) Cause makes/converts Patient into [one] entity 53 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 pixelate (1/2) Cause makes/converts Patient into [pixels] 1 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 pulverize^ (1/2) Cause makes/converts Patient into "dust" 2 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 realize^ (5/5) Cause converts Patient into "money/profit" 14 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 rectify^ (3/3) Cause converts AC to DC 2 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
1 1 vitrify^ (1/1) Cause makes/converts Patient into "glass" 1 Resultative Make-Become make/convert into
2 2 compartmentalize (1/1) Cause divides Patient into [compartments] 8 Resultative Make-Become divide into
2 2 departmentalize (1/1) Cause divides Patient into [departments] 1 Resultative Make-Become divide into
2 2 divisionalize (1/1) Cause divides Patient into [divisions] 4 Resultative Make-Become divide into
2 2 parcelize (1/1) Cause divides Patient into [parcels] 2 Resultative Make-Become divide into
2 2 regionalize (1/1) Cause divides Patient into [regions] 10 Resultative Make-Become divide into
2 2 sectionalize (1/1) Cause divides Patient into [sections] 9 Resultative Make-Become divide into
Inchoative-Resultative verb-class construction: [[Subj V SubjCompNP] ↔ [Patient becomes (converted into) [Result]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 caramelize (2/2) Patient becomes converted into [caramel] 4 Inch-Result Become become converted into
1 1 crystallize (4/4) Patient becomes converted into a [crystal] 1 Inch-Result Become become converted into
1 1 fossilize (1/2) Patient becomes converted into a [fossil] 4 Inch-Result Become become converted into
1 1 hybridize (2/2) Patient (X&Y) becomes converted into a [hybrid] 4 Inch-Result Become become converted into
1 1 ionize (2/2) Patient becomes converted into [ions] 1 Inch-Result Become become converted into
1 1 liquidize (2/2) Patient becomes converted into a [liquid] 3 Inch-Result Become become converted into
1 1 oxidize (2/3) Patient becomes converted into an [oxide] 2 Inch-Result Become become converted into
1 1 quantize+ (2/2) Patient becomes converted into [quanta] 3 Inch-Result Become become converted into
1 1 vaporize (2/2) Patient becomes converted into [vapour] 3 Inch-Result Become become converted into
1 1 liquefy (2/2) Patient becomes converted into a [liquid] 2 Inch-Result Become become converted into
1 1 solidify (1/1) Patient becomes converted into a [solid] 6 Inch-Result Become become converted into
Performative verb-class construction: [[Subj V Obj] ↔ [Agent performs [Theme]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 apologize (1/2) Agent performs an [apology] 348 Performative Perform perform
1 1 assassinize~ (1/1) Agent performs a character -[assassination] 1 Performative Perform perform
1 1 baptize (1/2) Agent performs [baptism] on X 84 Performative Perform perform
1 1 cannibalize (1/3) Agent performs [cannibalism] on X 1 Performative Perform perform
1 1 criticize (1/2) Agent performs the practices of [criticism] 7 Performative Perform perform
1 1 deputize (1/2) Agent performs the role of [deputy] for X 1 Performative Perform perform
1 1 economize (1/1) Agent performs practices of [economy] on Theme 11 Performative Perform perform
1 1 fantasize (2/2) Agent indulges in [fantasies] 1 Performative Perform perform
1 1 favouritize (1/1) Agent performs [favouritism] 4 Performative Perform perform
1 1 intellectualize (1/1) Agent performs [intellectual] practices 1 Performative Perform perform
1 1 philosophize (1/1) Agent practises [philosophy] 4 Performative Perform perform
1 1 plagiarize (1/1) Agent practises [plagiarism] 17 Performative Perform perform
1 1 prophesize (1/1) Agent performs a [prophecy] 2 Performative Perform perform
1 1 romanticize (2/2) Agent indulges in [romantic] ideas 2 Performative Perform perform
1 1 socialize (2/3) Agent performs [social] practices 70 Performative Perform perform
1 1 yogarize~ (1/1) Agent performs the practices of [yoga] 1 Performative Perform perform
1 1 diversify (2/2) Agent performs [diverse] practices 32 Performative Perform perform
1 1 jollify (1/1) Agent engages in [jolly] activities 1 Performative Perform perform
1 1 threaten (1/4) Agent utters a [threat] against Theme (with intention) 98 Performative Perform perform
1 1 threaten (2/4) Agent utters a [threat] (relating to intention) 111 Performative Perform perform
1 1 normalize^ (2/3) Agent performs "heat treatment" on X 2 Performative Perform perform
2 2 rhapsodize (1/1) Agent speaks as if reciting a [rhapsody] 1 Performative Perform speak as if delivering
2 2 sermonize (1/1) Agent speaks as if delivering a [sermon] 3 Performative Perform speak as if delivering
2 2 speechify (1/1) Agent speaks as if delivering a [speech] 1 Performative Perform speak as if delivering
Similative verb-class construction: [[Subj V like -CompNP AdverbialPP] ↔ [Agent acts like [Theme] towards Patient]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 cannibalize (3/3) Agent acts like a [cannibal] towards Patient 1 Similative Act-Like - strong act like towards Patient
1 1 revolutionize (1/1) Agent acts like a [revolutionary] towards Patient 12 Similative Act-Like - strong act like towards Patient
1 1 vandalize (1/1) Agent acts like a [vandal] towards Patient 34 Similative Act-Like - strong act like towards Patient
2 2 evangelize (2/2) Agent acts like an [evangelist] towards Theme2 1 Similative Act-Like - weak act like towards Theme Theme
2 2 patronize (1/3) Agent acts like a [patron] towards Theme2 19 Similative Act-Like - weak act like towards Theme Theme
Imposative verb-class construction: [[Subj V Obj Obl] ↔ [Cause subjects Patient to [Theme]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1a 1 ostracize (1/1) Cause subjects Patient to [ostracism] 9 Imposative Subject-To subject to
1a 1 penalize (1/1) Cause subjects Patient to a [penalty] 50 Imposative Subject-To subject to
1a 1 stigmatize (1/1) Cause subjects Patient to a [stigma] 6 Imposative Subject-To subject to
1a 1 asphyxiate (1/2) Cause subjects Patient to [asphyxia] 1 Imposative Subject-To subject to
1a 1 (ex)culpate (1/1) Cause subjects Patient to <culpa> 1 Imposative Subject-To subject to
1a 1 fertilize^ (3/3) Cause subjects Patient to "impregnation" 6 Imposative Subject-To subject to
1a 1 chasten^ (1/1) Cause subjects Patient to "punishment" 2 Imposative Subject-To subject to
1b 1.1 euthanize (1/1) Cause subjects Patient to process of [euthanasia] 4 Imposative Subject-To subject to process
1b 1.1 galvanize (1/2) Cause subjects Patient to process of [Galvanism] 14 Imposative Subject-To subject to process
1b 1.1 pasteurize (1/1) Cause subjects Patient to process of [Pasteurism] 24 Imposative Subject-To subject to process
1b 1.1 collectivize (1/1) Cause subjects Patient to [collective] control 29 Imposative Subject-To subject to control
1b 1.1 nationalize (1/1) Cause subjects Patient to [national] control 92 Imposative Subject-To subject to control
1b 1.1 privatize (1/1) Cause subjects Patient to [private] control 234 Imposative Subject-To subject to control
1b 1.1 homogenize^ (2/2) Cause subjects Patient to "industrial process" 1 Imposative Subject-To subject to process
2 2 agonize (2/2) Cause makes Patient undergo [agony] 8 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 hypnotize (1/1) Cause makes Patient undergo [hypnosis] 18 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 mesmerize (1/1) Cause makes Patient undergo [mesmerism] 14 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 pressurize (1/1) Cause makes Patient undergo [pressure] 36 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 scrutinize (1/1) Cause makes Patient undergo [scrutiny] 9 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 terrorize (1/1) Cause makes Patient undergo [terror] 14 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 traumatize (1/1) Cause makes Patient undergo [trauma] 34 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 horrify (1/1) Cause makes Patient undergo [horror] 177 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 stupefy (1/1) Cause makes Patient undergo [stupor] 2 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 terrify (1/1) Cause makes Patient undergo [terror] 253 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 frighten (1/2) Cause makes Patient undergo [fright] 599 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 threaten (3/4) Cause makes Patient undergo [threat] 166 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 scandalize (1/1) Cause makes Patient undergo "shock" as a [scandal] would 5 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
2 2 tantalize (1/1) Cause makes Patient undergo "teasing" 4 Imposative Subject-To make undergo
Inchoative-Imposative verb-class construction: [[Subj V Obj] ↔ [Patient undergoes [Theme]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 asphyxiate (2/2) Patient undergoes [asphyxia] 1 Inch-Imposative Undergo undergo
1 1 fibrillate (1/1) Patient (heart muscles) undergo an arrangement into [fibrils] 3 Inch-Imposative Undergo undergo
1 1 herniate (1/1) Patient undergoes a [hernia] 1 Inch-Imposative Undergo undergo
1 1 menstruate (1/1) Patient undergoes the [menses] 7 Inch-Imposative Undergo undergo
1 1 rejuvenate^ (2/2) Patient undergoes "renewal" 2 Inch-Imposative Undergo undergo
2 2 agonize (1/2) Patient experiences "mental" [agony] over Theme 6 Inch-Imposative Undergo experience
2 2 empathize (1/1) Patient experiences [empathy] with Theme 13 Inch-Imposative Undergo experience
2 2 sympathize (1/2) Patient experiences [sympathy] for Theme 39 Inch-Imposative Undergo experience
Regardative verb-class-specific construction: [[Subj V Obj as CompNP/AP] ↔ [Agent regards Theme1 as [Theme2/Property]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 institutionalize (1/3) Agent regards Theme1 an [institution] 11 Regardative Regard-As regard as
1 1 normalize (1/3) Agent regards Theme1 as [normal] 7 Regardative Regard-As regard as
1 1 relativize (1/1 ) Agent regards Theme1 as [relative] 2 Regardative Regard-As regard as
1 1 sexualize (2/2) Agent regards Theme1 as [sexual] 4 Regardative Regard-As regard as
1 1 trivialize (1/1) Agent regards Theme1 as [trivial] 9 Regardative Regard-As regard as
1 1 identify (1/14) Agent regards Theme1 & Theme 2 as [identical] 3 Regardative Regard-As regard as
1 1 hypostatize^ (1/1) Agent regards Theme1 as "real" 1 Regardative Regard-As regard as
1 1 recognize^ (6/7) Agent regards Theme1 and Theme2 as the "same" 545 Regardative Regard-As regard as
2 2 infantilize (1/1) Agent treats Patient as an [infant] 6 Regardative Regard-As treat as
2 2 villainize (1/1) Agent treats Patient as a [villain] 1 Regardative Regard-As treat as
2 2 objectify (1/2) Agent treats Patient as an [object] 1 Regardative Regard-As treat as
Representative verb-class construction: [[Subj V Obj as CompNP/AP] ↔ [Agent represents Theme1 as [Theme2/Property]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 capitalize (2/3) Agent represents "letters" as [capitals] 4 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 conceptualize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as a [concept] 10 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 demonize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as a [demon] 2 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 epitomize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as an [epitome] 4 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 factorize (1/2) Agent represents Theme1 as [factors] 5 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 fantasize (1/2) Agent represents Theme1 as a [fantasy] 9 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 generalize (1/3) Agent represents Theme1 as [general] 94 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 glamorize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as [glamorous] 6 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 idealize (1/2) Agent represents Theme1 as an [ideal] 11 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 idolize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as an [idol] 7 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 initialize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as [initials] 1 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 italicize (1/1) Agent represents letters as [italics] 3 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 jargonize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as a [jargon] 1 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 lexicalize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as a [lexical] item 4 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 miniaturize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as a [miniature] 1 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 minimize (2/2) Agent represents Theme1 as a [minimum] 6 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 personalize (2/3) Agent represents Theme1 as a [person] 7 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 problematize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as a [problem] 2 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 sacramentalize~ (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as a [sacrament] 1 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 satirize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as a [satire] 2 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 serialize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as a [series] 4 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 summarize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as a [summary] 133 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 symbolize (1/1) Theme1 represents Theme2 as a [symbol] 20 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 vialize~ (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as [vile] 1 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 exemplify (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as an [example] 7 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 magnify (2/2) Agent represents Theme1 as [magnificent] 1 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 personify (1/2) Agent represents Theme1 as a [person] 2 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 quantify (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as a [quantity] 52 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 typify (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as a [type] 6 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 vilify (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 as [vile] 4 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 liken (1/1) Agent represents X&Y as [alike] 16 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 formulate (1/4) Agent represents Theme1 as a [formula] 2 Representative Represent-As represent as
1 1 personify^ (2/2) Agent represents Theme1 as [Theme2] 1 Representative Represent-As represent as
2 2 annualize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 in [annual] terms 1 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 criticize (2/2) Agent represents Theme1 in [critical] terms 237 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 crystallize (1/4) Agent represents Theme1 in [crystal]-clear terms 6 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 dramatize (2/2) Agent represents Theme1 in a [dramatic] manner 1 Representative Represent-As represent in manner
2 2 grammatize~ (1/1) Agent represents language in [grammatical] terms 2 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 humanize+ (2/2) Agent represents Theme1 in [human] terms 1 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 mathematize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 in [mathematical] terms 1 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 mentalize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 in [mental] terms 1 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 operationalize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 in [operational] terms 2 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 particularize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 in [particular] terms 1 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 racialize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 in [racial] terms 1 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 rationalize (1/2) Agent represents Theme1 in [rational] terms 18 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 romanticize (1/2) Agent represents Theme1 in [romantic] terms 3 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 sensationalize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 in a [sensational] manner 6 Representative Represent-As represent in manner
2 2 stylize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 in [stylistic] terms 3 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 verbalize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 in [verbal] terms 1 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 visualize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 in [visual] terms 58 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 vocalize (1/1) Agent represents Theme1 in [vocal] terms 3 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 objectify (2/2) Agent represents Theme1 in [objective] terms 1 Representative Represent-As represent in terms
2 2 formulate^ (2/4) Agent represents Theme1 in a "systematic" manner 22 Representative Represent-As represent in manner
Achievement verb-class construction: [[Subj V Obj] ↔ [Agent creates [Result]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 appetize (1/1) Agent creates an [appetite] in X 14 Achievement Create create
1 1 hypothesize (1/1) Agent creates a [hypothesis] (about X) 2 Achievement Create create
1 1 idealize (2/2) Agent creates an [ideal] (of X) 2 Achievement Create create
1 1 profitize~ (1/1) Agent creates [profit] 1 Achievement Create create
1 1 targetize~ (1/1) Agent creates/sets a [target] for X 1 Achievement Create create
1 1 theorize (1/1) Agent creates a [theory] (about X) 6 Achievement Create create
1 1 babyfy+ (1/1) Agent creates/produces a [baby] 1 Achievement Create create
1 1 versify (1/1) Agent creates [verse] 1 Achievement Create create
1 1 formulate^ (3/4) Agent creates/develops "an idea" 33 Achievement Create create
2 2 colonize (1/1) Agent establishes a [colony] 25 Achievement Create establish
2 2 monopolize (1/1) Agent establishes a [monopoly] 9 Achievement Create establish
2 2 organize^ (2/6) Agent establishes a "social entity" 1,121 Achievement Create establish
3 3 computerize (4/4) Agent creates Result by means of a [computer] 8 Achievement Create create by means of
3 3 metabolize (1/1) Agent creates Result by means of [metabolism] 2 Achievement Create create by means of
3 3 synthesize (1/1) Agent creates Result by means of [synthesis] 17 Achievement Create create by means of
3 3 formulate (4/4) Agent creates Result by means of a [formula] 14 Achievement Create create by means of
Conformative verb-class construction: [[Subj V1 Obj V2 Obl] ↔ [Cause makes Patient conform to [Theme]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1a 1 civilize (1/2) Cause makes Patient conform to the [civil] code 22 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to
1a 1 cross-culturalize (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to a [culture] 1 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to
1a 1 naturalize (1/2) Cause makes Patient conform to [nature] 1 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to
1a 1 normalize (3/3) Cause makes Patient conform to a [norm] 2 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to
1a 1 regularize (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to [rules] 4 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to
1a 1 ritualize (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to a [ritual] 1 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to
1a 1 standardize (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to a [standard] 46 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to
1a 1 systematize (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to a [system] 2 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to
1a 1 codify (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to a [code] 3 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to
1b 1.1 alphabetize (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to [alphabetical] "order" 1 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to order
1b 1.1 Corbynize~ (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to [Corbyn] "ideals" 1 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to ideals
1b 1.1 customize (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to [customer] "needs" 17 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to needs
1b 1.1 evangelize (1/2) Cause makes Patient conform to [evangelical] "ideals" 1 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to ideals
1b 1.1 feminize+ (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to [feminist] "ideals" 1 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to ideals
1b 1.1 individualize (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to [individual] "needs" 3 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to needs
1b 1.1 industrialize (1/2) Cause makes Patient conform to [industrial] "process" 9 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to process
1b 1.1 localize (2/2) Cause makes Patient conform to "needs" of the [location] 2 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to needs
1b 1.1 parallelize (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to [parallel] "operation" 1 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to operation
1b 1.1 pedestrianize (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to "needs" of [pedestrians] 10 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to needs
1b 1.1 personalize (1/3) Cause makes Patient conform to [personal] "needs" 35 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to needs
1b 1.1 polarize (1/2) Cause makes Patient conform to [polar] "alignment" 29 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to alignment
1b 1.1 popularize (2/2) Cause makes Patient conform to [popular] "needs" 6 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to needs
1b 1.1 prioritize (2/2) Cause makes Patient conform to [priority] "order" 34 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to order
1b 1.1 radicalize (1/2) Cause makes Patient conform to [radical] "ideals" 12 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to ideals
1b 1.1 randomize (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to [random] "order" 4 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to order
1b 1.1 rationalize (2/2) Cause makes Patient conform to [rational] "principles" 24 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to principles
1b 1.1 socialize (1/3) Cause makes Patient conform to [societal] "needs" 25 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to needs
1b 1.1 socialize (3/3) Cause makes Patient conform to [socialist] "ideals" 2 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to ideals
1b 1.1 specialize (2/2) Cause makes Patient conform to a [special] "purpose" 70 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to purpose
1b 1.1 chickify~ (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to "needs" of [chicks] 1 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to needs
1b 1.1 gentrify (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to the "needs" of the [gentry] 8 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to needs
1b 1.1 (de)Nazify (1/1) Cause makes Patient conform to [Nazi] "ideals" 1 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to ideals
1b 1.1 orchestrate (2/2) Cause makes Patient conform to [orchestral] "format" 1 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to format
1b 1.1 calibrate^ (1/2) Cause makes Patient conform to "needs" of Theme 10 Conformative Make-Conform-To make-conform to needs
Inchoative-Conformative verb-class construction: [[Subj V Obl] ↔ [Patient conforms to [Theme]]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1a 1 acclimatize (1/1) Patient adapts to the [climate] 6 Inch-Conformative Conform adapt/conform
1a 1 civilize (2/2) Patient conforms to the [civil] code 124 Inch-Conformative Conform adapt/conform
1a 1 polarize (2/2) Patient aligns with a [pole] 12 Inch-Conformative Conform adapt/conform
1b 1.1 Mendelize (1/1) Agent conforms to [Mendelian] "principles" 1 Inch-Conformative Conform adapt/conform principles
1b 1.1 unionize+ (3/4) Patient conforms to [union] "ideals" 1 Inch-Conformative Conform adapt/conform ideals
1b 1.1 ramify^ (1/1) Agent conforms to [branching] "principles" 12 Inch-Conformative Conform adapt/conform principles
Defining verb-class construction: [[Subj V Obj as CompXP] ↔ [Entity defines [“attribute”] of Theme1 as Theme2]] - Link to construction hierarchy
2 1 characterize (2/2) Theme1 defines the [character] of Theme2 44 Defining Define define
2 1 identify (7/14) Theme1 defines the [identity] of Theme2 3 Defining Define define
1 2 characterize (1/2) Entity defines the [character] of Theme1 as Theme2 6 Defining Define define as Theme 2
1 2 qualify (4/4) Entity defines the [qualities] of Theme1 as Theme2 6 Defining Define define as Theme 2
Determinative verb-class construction: [[Subj V [Obj]]↔ [Agent determines [“attribute”] of Theme]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1b 1 itemize (1/1) Entity determines [items] 18 Determinative Determine determine
1a 2 identify (8/14) Entity determines [identity] of Theme1 (as Theme2) 78 Determinative Determine determine
1a 2 specify (2/2) Entity determines the [specifics] of Theme 39 Determinative Determine determine
1a 2 calibrate (2/2) Entity determines the [calibre] of Theme 3 Determinative Determine determine
1a 2 evaluate (1/2) Entity determines the [value] of Theme 74 Determinative Determine determine
1a 2 qualitate~ (1/1) Entity determines the [quality] of Theme 3 Determinative Determine determine
1a 2 quantitate (1/1) Entity determines the [quantity] of Theme 1 Determinative Determine determine
1a 2 valuate (1/2) Entity determines the [value] of Theme 51 Determinative Determine determine
Acknowledging verb-class construction: [[Subj V Obj as CompNP/AP] ↔ [Entity acknowledges Theme1 as Theme2/Property]] - Link to construction hierarchy
2 1 recognize^ (4/7) Entity "acknowledges/admits" Theme 335 Acknowledging Acknowledge acknowledge
2 1 identify+^ (13/14) Entity "acknowledges/realizes/knows" that clause 23 Acknowledging Acknowledge acknowledge
1 2 recognize^ (1/7) Entity acknowledges Theme1 as "legitimate" 105 Acknowledging Acknowledge acknowledge as Theme 2
1 2 recognize^ (2/7) Entity acknowledges Theme1 as Theme2 51 Acknowledging Acknowledge acknowledge as Theme 2
Confirmative verb-class construction: [[Subj V [Obj]] ↔ [Agent confirms [Theme1] of Theme2]] - Link to construction hierarchy
1 1 certify (1/2) Agent confirms the [certainty] of Theme 327 Confirmative Confirm confirm
1 1 falsify (2/2) Agent confirms the [falsity] of Theme 2 Confirmative Confirm confirm
1 1 verify (1/1) Agent confirms the [veracity] of Theme 53 Confirmative Confirm confirm
Unclassified: CoS Transitive
unionize (2/4) Cause makes Patient join a [union] 3 Unclassified With base 1A CoS
frighten off (2/2) Cause influences Patient "by means of" [fear/fright] 20 Unclassified With base 1A CoS
cannibalize^ (2/3) Cause "recycles" parts of Patient 3 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
cauterize^ (1/2) Cause "burns" Patient with a hot object 1 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
fertilize^ (2/3) Cause "impregnates" Patient 31 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
galvanize^ (2/2) Cause "motivates" Patient 7 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
pulverize^ (2/2) Cause "destroys" Patient 3 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
justify^ (2/3) Cause "absolves" Patient 2 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
justify^ (3/3) Cause "aligns" Patient 1 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
modify^ (1/1) Cause "alters" Patient 131 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
rectify^ (2/3) Cause "alters" the resistance of a cell 5 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
blacken^ (2/2) Cause "defames" Patient 2 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
cheapen^ (1/1) Cause "degrades" Patient 3 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
dampen^ (1/2) Cause "suppresses" Patient 10 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
deaden^ (1/1) Cause "dulls" Patient 5 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
hasten^ (2/2) Cause "speeds up" the process of Theme 2 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
quicken^ (2/4) Cause "stimulates" Patient 1 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
straighten (up/out)^ (4/4) Cause "sorts out" Patient 4 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
Unclassified: CoS Intransitive
quicken^ (3/4) Patient "becomes aware" of foetal movement 2 Unclassified No base 1A CoS
Unclassified: Non-CoS Transitive
recognize^ (7/7) Agent "detects" Theme (new) 93 Unclassified No base 2A Perception
identify^ (10/14) Agent "detects" Theme (Old) 115 Unclassified No base 2A Perception
sanctionalize~ (1/1) Agent "approves" Theme by means of [sanction] 1 Unclassified With base 3 Pursuit
unionize (1/4) Agent "joins" a [union] 2 Unclassified With base 3 Pursuit
apologize^ (2/2) Agent "defends" Theme 3 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
authorize^ (1/2) Agent "approves" Theme 61 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
capitalize^ (3/3) Agent "exploit" Theme 17 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
organize^ (3/6) Agent "makes arrangements for" Theme 493 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
organize^ (4/6) Agent "coordinates" simple activity 668 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
organize^ (6/6) Agent "coordinates" complex activity 148 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
recognize^ (3/7) Agent "shows appreciation" of Theme 49 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
certify^ (2/2) Theme1 "guarantees" Theme2 meets a given standard 15 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
identify^ (11/14) Agent "describes" Theme (New) 147 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
identify+^ (12/14) Agent "selects/picks out/decides" Theme from a set 167 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
identify+^ (14/14) Agent "flags up/communicates" Theme 24 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
indemnify^ (2/2) Cause "compensates" Patient 3 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
notify^ (1/1) Cause "informs" Theme 110 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
specify^ (1/2) Agent "states" Theme "in detail" 205 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
tighten in on+^ (3/3) Agent "focuses in on" Theme 1 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
fixate^ (1/1) Agent "pays" excessive attention to Theme 10 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
orchestrate^ (1/2) Cause "coordinates" Theme 7 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
realize^ (3/5) Theme1 "is aware" of Theme2 1,625 Unclassified No base 4 Knowledge
recognize^ (5/7) Theme1 "realizes/understands" Theme2 99 Unclassified No base 4 Knowledge
sympathize^ (2/2) Theme1 "understands" Theme2 13 Unclassified No base 4 Knowledge
dignify (2/2) Theme "has" [dignity] 14 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
identify (2/14) Agent "relates" own [identity] to Theme 28 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
identify (5/14) Agent "associates" own [identity] with Theme 37 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
identify (9/14) Agent "reveals" [identity] of Theme (as Theme2) 181 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
signify (2/2) Agent "indicates" Theme with a [sign] 5 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
caffeinate (2/2) Theme "contains" [caffeine] 4 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
evaluate (2/2) Agent "assesses" the [value] of Theme 254 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
facilitate+ (3/3) Theme "has" [facilities] 3 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
opinionate (1/1) Theme "has" "strong" [opinions] 16 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
valuate+ (2/2) Agent "assesses" the [value] of Theme 3 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
antagonize^ (2/2) Theme1 and Theme2 oppose each other 2 Unclassified No base 6 Relationship
identify^ (6/14) Agent "correlates" Theme1 with Theme2 7 Unclassified No base 6 Relationship
threaten^ (4/4) Theme1 "portends" Theme2 6 Unclassified No base 6 Relationship
encapsulate+^ (2/2) Agent "involves" Theme 1 Unclassified No base 6 Relationship
gratify^ (2/2) Theme1 "fulfils" the requirements of Theme2 12 Unclassified No base 7 Ability
satisfy^ (1/2) Agent "fulfils" Theme 225 Unclassified No base 7 Ability
Unclassified: Non-CoS Intransitive
womanize (1/1) Agent "pursues" [women] "excessively" 7 Unclassified With base 3 Pursuit
patronize^ (2/3) Theme "condescends" Theme 45 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
amplify^ (2/2) Agent "elaborates on" Theme 6 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
hasten (1/2) Agent "acts with" [haste] 16 Unclassified With base 3 Pursuit
fasten^ (3/3) Agent "focuses on" Theme 2 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
orientate~^ (2/2) Agent "focuses on" Theme 51 Unclassified No base 3 Pursuit
factorize (2/2) Theme "resolves into" [factors] 2 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
fraternize (1/1) Agent "associates with" Theme in a [fraternal] way 1 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
institutionalize (3/3) Theme "is" [institutional] in style 4 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
patronize (3/3) Theme1 "is" a [patron] of Theme2 6 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
unionize (4/4) Theme "is linked to" a [union] 2 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
signify (1/2) Theme1 "is" a [sign] of Theme2 7 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
testify (2/2) Theme1 "is" [testimony] of Theme2 3 Unclassified With base 6 Relationship
identify^ (3/14) Theme1 "relates to" Theme2 38 Unclassified No base 6 Relationship
identify^ (4/14) Theme1 "empathizes with" Theme2 7 Unclassified No base 6 Relationship
organize^ (5/6) Theme is "efficient" 150 Unclassified No base 7 Ability